the mystery blogger award

Welcome back to my blog for this extra post! I recently got nominated for the mystery blogger award by Vivian and Sarah from Iridescent Photo Blog as well as Anushka from Times of Trials, I will link both of their blogs below! I’d also like to thank Okoto Enigma for creating this award! I will also link her blog below 😊

Vivian and Sarah’s Blog:

Anushka’s Blog:

Okoto’s Blog:


Before I start, I nominate:

·Grace from GracexKate

·Leah from Leah Diana

·Hannah from Hannah Louise

·Victoria from The Cozy Potato

·Imaan from Imaan Aziz Blogs

·Maryam from infinitelyadaydreamer

·Keeley from Keeley Alexandra

·Lexie from WhatLexieLoves

·Francine from Ancine’s Alley

·Any of the Bloggers from Ebullience Blog

If you have already done this award, no worries, but I have tried to choose bloggers that I haven’t seen do it yet!

The rules are:

1.     Put the award logo on your blog.

2.     Thank the blogger who nominated you & provide a link to their blog.

3.     Mention the creator of the award.

4.     Answer the question you were asked.

5.     Tell the readers three things about you.

6.     Nominate Ten to Twenty bloggers.

7.     Notify the bloggers(tell them you nominated them) by commenting on one of their posts.

8.     Ask your nominee five questions with one weird or funny one.

9.     Share a link to your best posts.

10.  The creator of this award is —————————- Okoto Engima.


I am going to answer both sets of questions set by both blogs, starting with the questions from Vivian and Sarah: 

1.Why did you choose to become a blogger?

I love helping people, and that is one of the main reasons I have a blog, to share my advice and experiences. As well as this, I have always wanted to put myself out there on the internet too, but I’m too shy to speak on camera, hence why I chose blogging rather than YouTube. I just wanted to be there for people to relate to, and I just want to stay down to earth!

2.If you weren’t a blogger then what would you be spending your time on instead?

If I wasn’t blogging, I’d probably be spending most of my time dancing and training, either that, or I’d be in bed! For those of you who don’t know, I have danced for 11 years, so I like to stay on top of training and my flexibility.

3.Would you rather be a blogger full time and earn money from it? Or would u rather have it as a hobby and excel in another occupation?

I’ve always seen blogging as more of a hobby than a job, as I am a small blogger and don’t earn money from doing this. Plus, I don’t think I could write so much that it can be my job! I’m off to university as of September, which is obviously to get a degree which will help towards the occupation I am hoping to go into!

4.Where would you travel to and why?

I actually have a little travel list which is all European countries as I don’t want to travel too far at this current moment in my life! At the top of my list is Amsterdam, and it has been for a while now! I’m really hoping I can go within the next year or so, as it is just a beautiful place and I just want to explore!

5.How has quarantine been for you and what would you like to do after?

Quarantine has been a rollercoaster to say the least. From the initial lockdown, my mental health took a hit, and then towards the end of April it just got worse and worse, but as I’m writing this, I can FINALLY say my mental health is back on the up, and I am as happy as I was pre-lockdown, which is a big achievement for me! After lockdown, I just want to see my friends across the country, as most are quite far for me. I am extremely lucky that I can get to see one of my friends (next week as I’m writing this) who I’m going to university with, but I just want to see the whole group! They have been there for me so much over the past couple of months and I can’t thank them enough.

Now onto Anushka’s questions:

1.How do you come up with the content for your blog?

Usually random ideas just float into my mind, often in the most random places and times, and I just have to make sure I jot them down! As well as this, I look at which posts have done well and try to switch them up to recreate them on the blog!

2.What is your biggest fear?

I would say my biggest fear is the unknown. There’s two ways of putting this: the fear of the unknown itself, but also the fear of being unknown by loved ones. To be invisible just makes me feel worthless and I hate that. It scares me as I feel such a small impact on their life.

3.Would you rather be able to travel to the past or travel to the future? Why?

100% travel to the past. I’m going to live the next who knows how long of the future… So why would I want to travel to it? I’d love to live through what my parents lived through; it would be incredible!

4.If you could get any superpower of your choice, which one would you get?

I would love to have teleportation powers, as it makes travelling so much easier (and quicker!).

5.What aspect of being a blogger do you find difficult or troublesome?

I find photography the most difficult part: trying to vary up my post photos can be difficult and I sometimes struggle for the motivation to take photos, especially if it involves multiple changes, so fashion posts take the longest to shoot! I NEED to up my photography game so if anyone has any tips, let me know!


3 things about myself

1. I’m a Pisces, so am born in March, and I very much believe I fit the Pisces personality quite well!

2. I am Brooklyn 99 obsessed: I know most episodes off by heart, can slip in quotes so easily (title of your sex tape), and I even made an especially hard quiz for my best friend who is also B99 obsessed during lockdown, and considering it was on the smallest details, he did SO WELL!

3. London is my happy place: I feel so alive in the city, and I love the underground so much!


My Best Posts:

UCAS: my experience + tips and advice-

how i plan for a productive day-

my june goals: have i achieved them? -



1.What is your favourite style of blog post to write?

2.Where is your happy place? Why does it make you happy?

3.Do you have any weird food combinations?

4.If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

5.What is a song you think everyone should listen to?

Once again, a massive thank you to the girls for nominating me for this award, I have loved doing it! To anyone whom I have nominated, I can’t wait to see your posts, make sure to tag me on Instagram when they are live! I will be back on Friday with a new post,

mills x


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