last day 2018

So secondary school is over! It's fair to say I showed a mix of emotions ranging from excitement and laughter to lots of tears, that came from myself, other students and even the teachers! But as I said as I left the gates for the final time, "I'll be back" because my sister will remain at the school for another 2 years! I just wanted to write this post to share some of my favourite photos, and also to just look back on the last day! 

I just want to say a massive thank you to all the people that made school such an amazing experience! I will miss you all, and I am excited to see what the future holds for all! 
Capella 8- aka the best form!
Lucie x
Ozzy x

 And of course my sister and my cousin X

The best teachers and my Head of House X

Kim Kardashian & 1 of 5 Brownies X

 1 of the Karp Twins & A Roman Soldier X

Kim Jong Un & Donald Trump

My Fellow Flapper Girls & The Principal

The Best Group of Friends X

It was such a good day, I am so thankful to everyone who has made the past 5 years the best 5 years!

 I am back on Sunday with a new post as I have Prom on Thursday, love

amelia xx


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