my style evolution

It’s about time for a throwback on this blog, so I am going to take a trip down memory lane and explore my past fashion choices in the past 5 years, which has been, well… eventful. The reason I’d like to share this is to show how my style has changed and advanced as I have developed from a teen into an adult!

We start in 2015, so I was 13, and my go to was a combination of hoodies and patterned leggings, and I’m very happy I moved on from the patterned leggings but my hoodie obsession has got a lot worse!

i'm on the right :)

I think this was my last year of wearing leggings in thought-out outfits, as I now just wear them for dance, around the house and in outfits with no effort!

2016 was a very basic but sporty year with my outfits. I definitely found my favourite colours this year were blue and monochrome, and I developed a love for skinny jeans in this year! I really stuck to my comfort zone too, and just went back to the basics.

From what I remember my go to piece of clothing this year was my denim jacket, and I do still love a denim jacket in the spring!

In 2017, I started to venture out a little, back into patterns but still loved my skinny jeans. This was the first year I also started getting into trousers, and I loved paring them with a good graphic tee!

Towards the end of the year I started with some layering, and really liked my band tees, like this one, and lived in my classic white Converse!

2018 was a bit of a game changer in my opinion, I really started to go out of my comfort zone and found some new items that I have been in love with ever since.

Sweatshirts and mom jeans became my new favourite items in this year and I loved styling them! I do feel like at the age of 16, I switched up my style a lot and it became my current style, but still within my comfort zone a little.

In 2019, I stuck very much with the mom jeans, but started to get more loose-fitting ones as well as simple block colours! 2019 was also the year I discovered Hollister bralettes, which are amazing to be honest!

i'm on the left :)

And now in 2020, I have again tried to push the boat out a little, and I am loving layering at the current minute! I can’t really do it with the current weather However, I am continuing to love trousers, sweatshirts and mom jeans, but I can’t wait to try and style some new items!


What was your favourite trend you had over the past few years? Have you had any embarrassing moments? Let me know in the comments!!

by mills x


  1. Such a creative idea for a blog post, I love it! Recently I have added mom jeans to my wardobe instead of constantly living in skinny jeans too and I absolutely love them! x

    Erin / Everything Erin

    1. thankyou! it really means a lot :)) mom jeans are beautiful i love them so much hahah! xx

  2. This is such a great blog post idea and I loved seeing how your style has changed!
    Grace xx

    1. thank you grace :)) i'm much happier with my style now! xx

  3. Such a great post idea!

    I live in neutrals mostly now. Simple dresses, blouses, lots of florals. Classy chic, haha.

    Definitely had a long leggings phase! I wore them nonstop for about two years.

    1. thank you so much! classy chic is a beautiful style x


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