mental health in isolation (tips + advice)

With Mental Health Week being last week, I thought this post couldn't come at a better time...

Isolation can be a stressful time for some, and don’t get me wrong, I haven’t had the easiest time with my mental health during this time, particularly at the end of last month. I am happy to say my health has improved a lot since then and I’m here to share some of my tips for anyone is struggling. As always, my messages on Instagram and Twitter are always open for anyone who just wants someone to talk to, as I know isolation can feel lonely. As always, these tips may not work for everyone, but these personally worked for me when I was going through a rough time!

1       Keep Distracted

This is a key one for me. If I just binge Netflix all day (as appealing as that sounds), it would just allow me time to think about how bad things are. By keeping productive, it is a way to keep your mind distracted from a dark place. Just writing a small list every day keeps your motivation up, and sets a small number of goals to achieve. You will feel satisfaction when these goals are completed and should bring a small amount of happiness. This is the key one for me, as I am quite a naturally productive person, so don’t feel happy if I don’t get anything done.

2.      Go Outside

We are allowed a daily walk, and I still hear of people who haven’t left the house AT ALL in 2 months, which I find a little ridiculous if I’m honest. I don’t go out every day but I go for a walk at least twice a week, whether that be by myself or with my sister! I listen to music whilst I’m out and it really helps to keep me happy :)) I never thought the outside would do a lot of good, but fresh air actually works wonders!

3.      Listen to Music

I find that a lot of people make a mistake here and listen to sad songs when they are sad and I find that this really does not work! I understand that it is nice to let it all out but the better thing in my personal opinion is to cheer up by listening to happier songs! I recently did a musicscape which showed me the style of songs I listened to, and it showed I listen to more happy songs than sad! I will link the website below, although it will only work if you have a Spotify account!

musicscape link-

4.      Find Comfort Items

The best thing to do when you’re feeling down is to find things that give you a sense of comfort. For me, this is a cuppa, some chocolate, wearing comfy clothes and watching Netflix. As I said, I cannot watch Netflix all day, but it is nice to just watch a film or a couple of episodes of your favourite show. I watched Deadpool, which is my favourite film, when I was having a particularly bad day, and this helped to cheer me up a lot! Having comfort just personally makes me happy, warm and safe :))

I hope all of these tips help, as I have said before, my messages are always open to help anyone who is struggling! Just look for the positives (which I know can be difficult sometimes) and soon lockdown will be over! Hope everyone has a fab week,

by mills x




  1. Such an important topic, thanks for sharing some great tips about maintaining positive mental health ❤️

    Keeley xx

    1. you're very welcome. hope ur staying mentally well during this period <3


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