a day in the life of isolation

I have a feeling a lot of these posts are coming in the near future, from myself and other bloggers, as we are all doing pretty much the same thing: isolating (and if not, get insideeeee!!!!) This day in my life seems to be like the ones I’m having every day at the minute, which is basically not productive and very chilled.


Typically, I’m waking up anywhere between 8:30 and 9:30 and I don’t seem to move for a while! I just like taking the time in the morning to fully wake up and complete a lot of social media tasks as well as talking to my closest friends. When I’ve had enough, I get up, dressed and get some breakfast whilst watching a TV show (at this point it was Killing Eve). I made a cuppa (being the classic British individual I am), and just sat and read through a lot of blog posts as well as completing a few online tasks. Eventually I decided to get on with a little bit of coursework as I needed to do something productive and adding to it each day gets me closer to finishing!


I got lunch around 1, and just made scrambled egg on toast, which I ate in my kitchen with my sister. Just after lunch I got dressed into more weather-appropriate outfit, and went for my 1 permitted walk of the day with my sister. It was an odd walk: we were unsure on where to go, so we just asked our close friends ‘left, right or forwards’ and that mapped our route :)). We ended up doing a lap round our local park which was really nice, accompanied with music we played through my AirPods, it was nice to get out of the house. Once I was home, I had a snack, had a shower, chilled for a little bit and then prepped tea for my sister and I. I really enjoy cooking but I don’t get to do it enough, so I’m excited to get to university to cook every day!


After tea I decided to do a little bit of planning (blog and life) before making another cuppa, getting a snack and putting a film on and chilling on my bed! I decided to watch ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ which I have seen before, but wanted to watch again as I really enjoy action films, and Taron Egerton is just nice to look at ya know? I find chilling and calming down after a day is good to reset yourself and be ready for the next day.

What’s your routine in isolation? Let me know in the comments,

by mills x


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